Qualifying Classes
Ridden Classes: Sport Horse ~ Hunter ~Open Showing (Riding Horse, Hack and Cob) ~ Open Working Hunter fences not to exceed 80cms
In hand Classes: Sport horse 4yrold and over ~ Hunter 4yrold and over ~Riding Horse. Hack and Cob 4yr old and over ~Young stock yearling to 3yrs old to mature over 14.2hh
• Qualifiers can be awarded at all participating riding clubs and shows throughout the current year
• One qualifier per class as above to be awarded to the highest placed competitor who has not already qualified and need not be a riding club member
• Horses must exceed 14.2HH and young stock to make adult height over 14.2HH
• Horses must be shown plaited or hogged
• Entries for the Championships must be the same combination as qualified
• Riders and handlers to be 16 years or over
• Rider / Handler must not have been previously placed at RIHS or HOYS
• Anyone who professionally exhibits horses is not eligible to compete
• No additional entry fees to be paid in the qualifying classes
• Riding Club secretaries to confirm details of qualifier results (class, horse, rider/handler, date of qualification) to Mrs R Rainford ASAP after competition
• Qualifying horse to be presented with a qualification card to be completed and forwarded to Mrs R Rainford ASAP after qualifying competition.
For More Details Contact: Mrs R Rainford Email: r.dugay@btinternet.com Mobile: 07929645204